Image by Kelly

Intellectual House o' Pancakes Webdiary

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2003-12-20 - 4:42 p.m.

Big news in these parts: we got an I-Pod. Yowza!

So far the best thing about it is that, as I dump all my CDs in it, I have perspective on how much great music I have in my collection that I take for granted.

The impulse is to move ever forward and keep up with new records and artists, while all this great stuff just sits there unlistened to. No more, I say! I shall revisit all the classics.

As we speak I'm listening to an Andrews Sisters CD that I'd bought and listened to once or twice on a whim back in '99 and never listened to again.

I-Pod usage really encourages a tape-mix/radio mentality rather than a whole-album approach. As the Alzheimers creeps in, that's probably for the best.

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