Image by Kelly

Intellectual House o' Pancakes Webdiary

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2004-02-25 - 9:50 a.m.

Teach us to care and not to care

Teach us to sit still

Even among these rocks

--T.S. Eliot, "Ash Wednesday"

Despite applauding the all-Aramaic script (that's a pretty cool idea!), I don't plan on seeing Mel Gibson's The Passion o' Jesus H. Christ. I feel fully qualified to pre-judge it based on the not-great reviews and on the fact that it portrays his last 12 hours, and I just don't need the agita.

Aren't we all in agreement that the salient points of the Jesus story include: 1) he wasn't murdered, he gave his life willingly, 2) he forgave his tormentors, and 3) he rose from the dead.

Whether one believes in the story or not is beside the point--it's the agreed-upon version of events. To focus on the corporeal death aspect of the story--and call yourself a believer--seems suspect. It's just not cricket.

Go ahead, Devil's Avocadoes, flame me in my own comments section.

And since we're talking about controversial topics, I have two more.

  • Grey Tuesday, aside from the clever wordplay, is just the dopiest protest I've ever heard of. Sampling the Beatles' music without permission, and profiting from it, is wrong. And it's a crime. What is unfair about that?

  • When I read about Naomi Wolff's latest, uh, complaint, I sided with Yale and Bloom. "Let it go, Naomi."

    But then I read her article. Yes, it's humorless and self-dramatizing, but I found myself feeling both creeped out by Harold Bloom and angered by what I read about Yale.

    I wouldn't want to send my daughter (or son, but mostly daughter) to a school where she wouldn't be afforded protection from creepy predators.

    I realize that college students are "adults," but come on, how many 18-20-year-olds do you know who are emotionally and mentally equipped to go head-to-head with Ivy League institutions and legendary professors? They need some support, and that support should have been in place when this happened.

    thoughts? (7 comments so far)

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