Image by Kelly

Intellectual House o' Pancakes Webdiary

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2004-07-09 - 9:39 a.m.

Thanks to everyone who came out to the all-coworker rock extravaganza at Blu Lounge last night!

The show was lots of fun. For whatever reason, I was listening to Sinclair and Jim Allen in a more attentive and receptive way than I ever have before, and was really enjoying the nuances of their music, the fluid mechanics of their respective presentations.

At first blush, Sinclair's music seems heady and intellectual, but there is a touching emotional component to the lyrics and music, too, that I was really gettin' last night.

And what impressed me most about Jim's performance, aside from his smoldering stage presence, was the interplay between the two guitars--I suspect Jim uses some kinda open tuning (D tuning mos' like) and his guitarist (who has the same white Mexican Tele as me) was coming up with various neat harmonic tricks.

The singer/songwriter feller who opened the evening (I never caught his name) played a cover that I was going to play! What're the odds? So I didn't play it.

Reading Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates. Where his excellent Easter Parade covered the sad sweep of one person's whole life, this one focuses on one brief period, one sustained mood, of a married couple and their depressing life in the 'burbs. Amazing writing.

However, I may need to cheat on this book a little cuz I just got my grubby mitts on the new Julian Barnes book, and I am eager to read it.

"...We think this is a dream ticket,'' Kerry said. "We've got better vision. . . . We've got a better sense of what's happening to America. And, we've got better hair. I'll tell you, that goes a long way..."

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