Image by Kelly

Intellectual House o' Pancakes Webdiary

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2004-09-29 - 9:31 a.m.

I'm reading Nicholson Baker's Checkpoint--you know, the novel that the paper of record called a "scummy little book." Highly recommended--it's funny and complex and takes about as long to read as your morning blogs (except you can carry it on the train).

And speaking of trains, I had the quintessential NYC subway experience last night--I was shrieked at and berated by a crazy guy and pelted with...snack chips. What was chilling was that he really did seem angry at me, not the world. Anyway, I'm OK, I managed to slip off the train w/o being followed.

It was a vivid reminder of how we live in our own world of projections and fantasies, even if most of us are able to keep it under control most of the time.

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