Image by Kelly

Intellectual House o' Pancakes Webdiary

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2005-03-09 - 10:22 a.m.

Taking a short break from Moby while I read Nick Hornby's Polysyllabic Spree.

I like it--it's a chatty, fun book of essays about reading, originally published in The Believer. Proceeds from this book go to Dave Eggers's writing center and a charity for kids with autism.

Hornby and Eggers are an interesting pair. I get the sense that they both are a little befuddled, maybe even defensive, about their own success. Perhaps it's because they are writers who, while obviously brainy and talented, are probably most known for letting their seams show and being ordinary blokes and emblems of their respective generations.

To me Hornby represents late-baby-boom "Gen W" music geeks/football fans, while Eggers is the cynical/whimsical, self-hating/self-promoting guy from my era...Together they form an awesome crime-fighting duo and use lots of sentence fragments.

Saw Collateral last night. 'Twas OK...I liked the lush L.A. visuals. The relationship between the two protagonists was a bit contrived and film-schoolish, but I liked that the Jamie Foxx character got to confront and redeem his slackerly ways at the end. Although I think it would have been a better film if he hadn't.

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