Image by Kelly

Intellectual House o' Pancakes Webdiary

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2008-03-12 - 12:30 p.m.

Very busy at work, but some shorties:

  • Brooklynites! Submit your photo to the "Click!" crowd-curated exhibition! Deadline is at the end of the month.

  • I was thinking that if I were a-startin' a folk act, I'd want to call it "Foc'sle"--but it seems some sea-farin' warblers have beat me to it.

  • I can see where some of you mugs might enjoy the rusty, churning folk of Brooklyn's Alina Simone. If the idea of Cat Power sitting in with Tom Waits appeals to you, check her out.

  • Yesterday I celebrated the fifth anniversary of working at my job, which means the Iraq war is about to do the same. No metaphor intended, just a sad reminder.

  • The new Daniel Lanois is--not to damn with lame-ass adjectives but--"nice." It's a nice, low-key, pretty album, and his singing sounds unexpectedly like Richard Hawley's. Looks like it goes along with a film, and the deluxe version has some very cool extras.

  • Here is an online magazine for fans of little animals that gnaw.

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