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iwombat - 2007-08-14 12:02:54
the communication of an epiphany is a difficult thing, and of course usually requires more than "just the facts, ma'am", that said, reading about your early epiphany put me in mind of such possibilities, cognitive, parallel to geographical (spatial).
alan - 2007-08-14 12:51:48
Jump Back! Floss Yourself!
Paula - 2007-08-14 13:09:28
He was truly the godfather of gingivoplasty.
Greg - 2007-08-14 14:09:24
Take it to the bridgework, Maceo!!!! Spent lots of summers on the Jersey shore... it always gave me a charge to cross statelines when I was little. I don't remember how old I was before I realized you couldn't see the statelines from outer space... speaking of outer space, Isn't Space Farm in New Jersey?
Greg - 2007-08-14 14:17:04
Ahhhh SPACE FARMS. It's a cool little place but the first time I went I was disappointed that it had NOTHING to do with outer space.
Paula - 2007-08-14 14:42:04
There is no crueler thing than to call a place "Space Farms" and not have it look like the Jetsons' compound.

I feel like I must have gone there, but I don't have any actual memories of it. I did love Jungle Habitat, with its sickly lions and occasional mauling tragedies.
grigorss - 2007-08-14 16:05:55
For whatever reasons, my parents took me more than once to this place in New Jersey -- I'm pretty sure I even have some Super-8 footage, deteriorating away in the back of my closet, of a trip I took there as kid.
Greg - 2007-08-14 16:22:50
Fond memories of Jungle Habitat. All sitting in my Uncle Ian's Jeep Wagoneer inching along whilst two sickly lions humped away happily in the summer sun. Watching monkey's peel the faux leather vinyl stuff off the top of a Ford LTD. So weird.
Greg - 2007-08-14 16:47:13
Grigorss--I've been to that place. Pretty sure we took my younger siblings there. I pity my parents, all the money they spent taking field trips with us to these things. They never seemed to enjoy themselves. One day I want to map a drive to Florida down Route 301, which was the only way back before I95 went in. Supposed to be the remnants of a lot of cool Americana along the way.
sharon - 2007-08-14 19:46:29
Paula, about thing #2:When we were kids (by the by in Pompton Lakes, next to your childhood hometown of Oakland,Homey!) we went to a really crabby, old dentist named Dr. DiPetrillo. My sisters and I called him Dr. Deep-a-Drill-o. (Carino kids obviously being far wittier!) about thing #1: I found your story very evocative. But I think describing it as "getting excited about things that aren't actually exciting" belies the beauty of your enthusiasms. Some food for thought on the subject by some other excitable artists ..."I am cursed with a religious temperament, but without a religion" (Yeats)..."I'm in search of an ecstatic truth" (Werner Herzog)..."Life only has as much meaning and importance as one attributes to it oneself." (Ingmar Bergman)
Janet - 2007-08-14 21:29:04
I've driven/ridden past Storybook Land one million times but we never turned in. Nor did I ever care: we would be at Wonderland in 1/2 hour. Storybook Land's website features some damn loud music, by the way.
grigorss - 2007-08-14 21:32:54
Greg -- Rte. #301 does indeed take you through some interesting stretches of Floridiana -- including Gibsonton, a town just south of Tampa that is home to many retired Circus folk. North of Gainesville, though, it goes through the Heart of Darkness which is rural inland Florida; a warning -- it can be disturbingly Deliverance-like.
Sharon - 2007-08-14 23:38:28
I would recommend against a visit to the old Space Farms these days -- you may be inspired to become a guerilla commando for PETA.
Greg The Gorilla - 2007-08-15 04:02:48
Can I be a gorilla commando??? Grigorrs--Gibsonton--home of Lobster Boy!!! People can say what they want about Weird NJ, but Florida is the most bizarre state in any of the 48 I've been in.

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