Image by Kelly

Intellectual House o' Pancakes Webdiary

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2004-10-01 - 9:49 a.m.

I'll leave discussion of the debates to the usual pundits, but personally, I thought Kerry kicked 12 kinds of ass last night and acquitted himself honorably. He will be our next president.

You know why I'm the best friend you'll ever have? Because, should you ever find yourself separated from your spouse, and feeling like crap, I promise I will never advise you to "enjoy being single and really get to know yourself!"

Because I know the above sentence has no basis in reality, and I know that you probably know yourself pretty well at this point, having been alive on the planet for many years. And that you knew yourself when you were single and you knew yourself when you were married, and you've been the same person all along.

I will, however, tell you that you have nice legs.

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