Image by Kelly

Intellectual House o' Pancakes Webdiary

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2004-12-21 - 10:09 a.m.

(No comments til payday, folks--I need to pay my SuperGold membership fees)

So, this year, with its crazy ups and downs, was one of my favorite years for music in a long time.

Is it because I needed music this year to get me through the harder times? Or because I was paying closer attention to life in general, and music was no exception? Or is it because 2004 and its inhabitants just rocked?

My top ten (plus) list is coming soon. I'll need some time to compile and annotate. Meanwhile, enjoy the lists of your peers.

I guess the Onion's headline about "Oprah Viewers Waiting Patiently for Instructions" turned out to be pretty dead on.

thoughts? (0 comments so far)

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