Image by Kelly

Intellectual House o' Pancakes Webdiary

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2006-02-04 - 1:59 p.m.

My non-fiction spree has officially come to an end, cuz I just picked up the new JB novel from die Bibliothek.

It's worth noting that the last of the lot was Jen Trynin's new memoirs of being signed and abandoned by a major label.

Needless to say, it's a deeeeeeeepressing book.

I will never understand the magical chemistry that makes some nights of karaoke uplifting, transcendent, and tribally communal, and some nights as flat as stale ginger ale.

Luckily, last night--with my swell and fun-lovin' coworkers at Mulberry Street Bar--was firmly in the first category.

At one point the entire two-room joint was singing and dancing to "Livin' on a Prayer." Irony or no--singing is singing, and group singing has healing properties. It was like a revival meetin'.

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