Image by Kelly

Intellectual House o' Pancakes Webdiary

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2007-10-26 - 11:28 a.m.

On a crazy whim, I ordered a bunch o'crap from my neighborhood Avon lady this morning. As whims go, that's probably not as crazy as, say, going Zorbing, but it felt nice to keep it local.

I have this romantic notion that she's a struggling single mom working her way through radiology school, or an unhappy wife shoring up some savings so she can leave her brutish husband.

And since her parents sent her brother to college, but told her "You're pretty--just marry well and you'll be fine," she has no education or work experience, and it's either selling Avon or cocktail waitressing. Or, since this scenario is from 1963, she could become a "typist," but for the almost crippling arthritis from years of doing her husband's laundry by hand, scrubbing, scrubbing to get the cigar smoke out, as he enjoys yet another night out with "the boys."

I could be wrong, of course. But I do love that Skin So Soft.

Dan Treacy from Television Personalities has a blog.

They're one of those bands that I've been meaning to listen to for years and never got around to, but I recently downloaded their second album and have really been loving it. Needless to say, fans of Robyn Hitchcock who aren't already steeped in TVP will find an affinity here.

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