Intellectual House o' Pancakes Comments Page and Grill

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I wombat - 2004-03-01 21:51:26
well no, I didn't watch the Oscars�, I never do, but it's alright if you watch them, and I enjoyed yr post, just had nothing to say. I also missed the "one afternoon at Freddy's" photo, I thought about trying to explain to yr Hub, that I really wanted to leave in the middle of his session, because, really! I'm not cynical, I'm sentimental, but we were busy and I just couldn't do it.
Paula - 2004-03-01 22:46:58
I told Hubs about it, and suggested that you and the whole band take a break at 2:00, because you are such a Freddy's fixture and Doug and Dave have been going to Freddy's since forever, but I guess no one was persuaded...
Miles - 2004-03-02 13:55:27

Paula, dear, it's obvious that your audience is so high-falootin' that they won't even admit to owning a TV, much less watching one.

But not plebian me! Melissa and I love awards shows, because who doesn't like hot chicks in hot outfits? Not us!

To answer the questions from your previous entry: "A Kiss At the End of the Rainbow" was done by Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara, completely in character as Mitch and Micki. "Bellevelle Rendez-vous" was staged with full swing band and vacuum cleaner, with the sadly all-too-Googleproof Betty Bonifassi sultrying it up on the lead vocals. Both were superb, and though I love Annie Lennox, either would have been a better Oscar winner.

I had Jennifer Garner and Angelina Jolie (who between this and her GQ cover seems to have recovered a lot of her Gia-era sex appeal), along with my beloved Julianne Moore, in the next tier of dresses behind the jaw-dropping best - Catherine Zeta-Jones, Shohreh Aghdashloo, and Liv Tyler.

Couldn't warm to Alison Krauss (who has a surprisingly wretched speaking voice, as I discovered on the E! preshow) or those two songs, which seemed as bereft of true hillbilly heart as the souless movie for which they were composed. Cold Mountain is a wonderful book, and after reading both it and The English Patient, I've got to look at Anthony Minghella as an enemy of books rather than as someone I'd want adopting my novel - he turns everything into a cornpone love story, and seems determined to miss the point in the worst ways possible. Of course, since Michael Ondaatje made a fortune based on The English Patient's success, I'd hardly expect him to be complaining, but then again, it's Frazier's book to which Minghella does the most violence.

I also petition the Academy to install Steve Martin as Host for Life and to have Billy, Whoopi, and Robin euthanized. Thank you.

Paula - 2004-03-02 13:56:36
Julianne Moore...Catherine Zeta-Jones, Shohreh Aghdashloo, and Liv Tyler

I didn't see Julianne Moore except for a brief audience shot. Did she present anything?
Yes, Shoreh and Liv were stunning, and I loved Liv's cat-glasses. Shoreh really should have won, given that she is an "up-and-coming" actress, and that's usually who gets the b.s.a. Oscar. Catherine Z-J, I'm just sick of her, she's overexposed, so I can't get too excited about her Oscar appearances.

Know what bugs the heck outta me? Whenever some non-celeb was up on the podium accepting their award, they'd cut away from them to show a bunch of actresses in the if the cameraman was worried that one second too long of a non-Hollywood face might upset the viewers and get them to turn to The Simpsons or whatever.

Anyway, I am so sad I missed "Kiss" and "Rendezvous", but I agree the other song selections were pretty lame. LOTR song was the one sub-par thing about the whole movie...I thought Enya's LOTR song (from Fellowship) was much better and more fitting.

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