Intellectual House o' Pancakes Comments Page and Grill

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I wombat - 2004-03-13 10:27:23
well, they don't know who did it, and what freaks me out the most is the possibility that there just a recombinant alphabet soup of terrorist groups out there, like any name we can know is beside the point, it's just a primordial soup of terrorists, and potential terrorists out there. mmmmmm soup. It's too bad I didn't own a camera, back when Tom, AKA Jack the happy Cat, was abiding, stripes of white, charcoal, and chocolate, slightly long haired, and those big green eyes.
Miles - 2004-03-13 23:21:39
Those cats could be our Aubrey's siblings. Aubrey turned 13 on Feb. 24th and is still as kinglike and impetuous as he's ever been.
Paula - 2004-03-14 09:21:52
Miles, I can make Aubrey a star! I know I yammer on about the dogfolk, but I loves the kitties, too. Perhaps not enough to wear a cat sweatshirt, but enough.

Wombat: R.I.P. Tom/Jack, he sounds lovely.

Paula - 2004-03-14 10:01:33
P.S. I love the face-down book in saro's portrait, indicating a great intellect. Whereas Roxy is perched on what looks vaguely like a pew. The mind vs. the spirit, as played out by these two fluffy critters.
Dan - 2004-03-14 11:14:13
Saro is indeed very intelligent: she plays complicated games, figures things out that Roxy doesn't know or care about, is hard to fool. Sometimes I think she has evolved too far and is unhappy as a result: she seems to yearn for things that she can't identify. And Rox is indeed kind of spiritual, though she belongs to no organized religion. She accepts all people and cats, and greets adversity with calm and dignity. In the cat shelter, she let strange kittens try to nurse from her, which apparently is quite unusual. Saro, by contrast, is wary, territorial, and needy. The two are not related to each other, nor to the kinglike Aubrey, as far as we know.
Erica - 2004-03-15 10:33:44
Roxy pooped on the kitchen floor this morning. An offering to a higher power, perhaps.

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