Intellectual House o' Pancakes Comments Page and Grill

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mattina - 2004-03-30 12:52:13
Joe - 2004-03-30 13:04:53
My wife & I have a very cute dog.
I wombat - 2004-03-30 13:26:26
Was it the thumbs thing, I'm sorry I was just kidding. My brother's familly just got a puppy, a Lab/border collie mix, I think, I have pics. I've only got my beard.
Miles - 2004-03-30 14:28:44

Man, you don't check your friends' blogs for a couple of hours, and you miss out... I knew I should have gotten up at 4 AM for Yanks/Devil Rays.

Paula was probably going negative on ARod for running into Paul Quantrill.

Two cats, as you know, I think.

2fs - 2004-03-30 22:40:55
Hmm. Now I'll never know what Paula was negative about. Luckily, I'm not very paranoid. I don't think. I mean, I could be. It's possible that it was, uh, about me. Not likely though. But I'll never know. Damn. This is bugging me. But only a little. I think.
Paula - 2004-03-31 05:48:32
Alright, alright, I was bein' negative about Milwaukee and her residents, particularly the cat-lovin', paper-gradin', non-junk-food-eatin' wags with globs. But then i thougt better of airing my controversial views.
2fs - 2004-03-31 10:06:19
Whew, I feel better. I do eat junk food once in a while, so obviously it wasn't about me.

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