Intellectual House o' Pancakes Comments Page and Grill

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Fashion Bug - 2004-05-11 10:20:53
The Post is so annoying. They make their money gossiping about people who routinely try too hard.

Your advice about the flats was spot on, but I couldn't work up the courage to use pantyhose.
Paula - 2004-05-11 10:30:08
Was this for your gig, Fashion Bug, which I regret missing?

It's funny, cuz I used to be dead set against wearing dresses onstage. And it used to annoy me when people (women) did, but now I really don't care. I can't believe how many stupid, sanctimonious opinions I used to burden myself with...
Garrigus & the Slippery Slope - 2004-05-11 11:42:45
Er, if you haven't seen it it's worth checking out the video for The hold steady's "The swish" on their website. It's not gonna change your life, but it's enjoyable.
Paula - 2004-05-11 13:47:27
Great song, cool video. Telecasters and skinny ties, that's pretty much what my interior world looks like.

My secret schoolgirl wish is to be signed to French Kiss Records. Dear Diary, will it ever happen?
2 E's too - but no one ever talks about that - 2004-05-11 15:54:38
(Note: first apply tone of befuddled amusement. Thank you - The Management)

Whenever I read articles about dating, I first am reminded of how thankful I am that I'm married, and then I wonder whether the world is really as full of idiots as those articles always imply. I mean, where do they find these yutzes with their idiotic and inconsistent ideas about (in this case) women? Anyone taking these things seriously would be stricken dead with anxiety before they could get out the door, and if by some miracle they did manage actually to go on a date, they'd be so consumed with it they'd surely make a terrible impression anyway. Christ. Relax. (Easy for the non-single me to say, of course.)
d'oh! - 2004-05-11 15:56:06
I forgot: My secret schoolgirl wish is to be signed to French Kiss Records. Dear Diary, will it ever happen? My Magic 8 Ball says: IT IS CERTAIN. Yay!
Paula - 2004-05-11 16:06:06
...stricken dead with anxiety before they could get out the door...

Yes, that's what bothers me about dating articles/books, etc. They are almost always designed to make you feel bad about whatever it is you are wearing, weighing, saying, doing. Or, warning you that when your date does/says/is X, that's bad, too, and you should be worried and you should dump them.

I much prefer the Pema Chodron approach: "There's nothing wrong with you. There's nothing you have to fix."

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