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I wombat - 2004-06-24 12:02:25
are you getting all death haunted these days? I am, not just my own eventual, inevitable demise, but everyone's. Bu,t you know we've all just tripped on on nothing, and we're flying through space.
Paula - 2004-06-24 12:55:20
I am thinking a lot about death these days. Not even "thinking" so much as feeling it in my body--knowing this carcass isn't forever, and knowing that, since my time here is limited, I have to pay attention to every moment. I went to that wedding last weekend with that feeling, and it was one of the few times I've gotten through a wedding w/o getting bored or cynical. "We're all going to die." It helped me enjoy the artichoke puffs and the dancin'.
amatt - 2004-06-24 15:00:37
I must admit, I have awoken in the morning with the thought, "Jesus Christ, I'm not dead yet?"
The mortal j - 2004-06-24 21:16:13
I've gone to bed, on more than one night, good and convinced I would die in my sleep that night. Not for any particular reason, just that it could happen, and I figured it would. Anymore, I'm nervous about driving at high speeds (uh, that would be about 65MPH), about flying, about crossing the street. I'm feeling so very mortal, and I'm scared. And I'm one who believes we continue on, somehow, and probably with a lot less pain and horror than we experience here. But I love *here* so damn much.
still alive - 2004-06-24 21:20:12
Also, I have come to believe that raising children accentuates one's awareness of one's own mortality, for many reasons. They're so much younger than you are, they need you and so you *cannot* die, they are so vulnerable themselves, etc. etc. Or maybe it's just that the kids really do drive ya to an early grave.
I wombat - 2004-06-24 23:03:17
Yeah, I've been waking up in the middle of the night with the feeling that I won't see the dawn, and I don't even have kids, just nephews. Life is short, until you try holding your breath.
amatt - 2004-06-25 09:39:01
To the mortal j: The older I get, the more I like driving at high speeds, exceeds my physical limitations, etc. A death wish? Not at all! I love life, mine is pretty full and exciting, and my friends and family are all wonderful and challenging people, but sometimes I just feel like I have done 'just' about enough.
Flasshe - 2004-06-25 13:45:56
Paula, in your last e-mail to me, could you please include all your various financial accounts information, including PIN numbers? Thx. Not that I expect to outlive you...

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