Intellectual House o' Pancakes Comments Page and Grill

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Sharps - 2004-07-09 10:18:58
Hey, good show last night. I really like the new arrangement of Mary Baker Eddy. But I liked it better when DB played acoustic guitar - such an unusual combination, electric rhythm / acoustic lead guitar, and it sounds so great when you two do it. And yes, Sinclair is good for the head and heart. Great and only getting better - they really have the vibe of being a true band, sadly becoming a rare commodity these days. Fun nite at the Blu!
MB - 2004-07-09 18:41:41
The good old NY Post comes to the rescue with an article on a poll showing that most Americans prefer Bush's hair. Whew!
Dan(WV) - 2004-07-09 19:06:34
If Edwards is a lightweight, what does that make Dubya? A flyweight? Bantamweight? Paperweight? Paperlate? Kerry, Edwards and their wives spoke here in Beckley, WV, of all places, today. I was going to go, but I discovered too late that you had to get a ticket from the local Dem party headquarters to attend. They were worried about hecklers. Fortunately the appearance was broadcast live on a local TV station. The Kerrys did fine, but John and Elizabeth Edwards really won over the crowd of 7,000.

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