Intellectual House o' Pancakes Comments Page and Grill

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Baby Party - 2004-07-12 15:55:59
Can this blood thing possibly be true? It sounds a bit dangerous. Not to mention revolting.
Baby Party - 2004-07-12 15:56:52
"Soylent green is people!"
Paula - 2004-07-12 16:05:51
Ha. I dunno...
Garryg Yakobovich Garrygin - 2004-07-12 17:02:58
Two words: Black pudding. Can someone explain to me the advantage of blood-chocolate over chocolate-chocolate? If not, I'll await the completion of the London-St Petersburg telegraph cable.
Paula - 2004-07-12 17:07:10
Well, blood-chocolate is, like, so intense.
MB - 2004-07-12 20:40:27
The perfect gift for that goth gal of your dreams.
2fs - 2004-07-14 10:20:48
Can someone explain the sudden prominence of crypto-promotional news items pointing people at Elvis Costello's Blood & Chocolate? I mean, first there's that Napoleon Dynamite movie (an alias Costello used on that record), and now this...

If someone starts marketing "Japanese God-Jesus Robots," I'll really be worried...

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