Intellectual House o' Pancakes Comments Page and Grill

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Baby Party - 2004-07-15 13:47:37
Amen, sister. I learned this lesson many years ago. Cheap shoes will not only ruin your life...they don't last as long, so they aren't really "cheap." Of course, this doesn't mean you shouldn't buy expensive shoes on sale at Loehmann's or at the outlet mall.
Baby Party - 2004-07-15 13:50:36
also, one should never skimp on garbage bags. Name brands ARE stronger (Hefty, Gladd). The cheap brands will always break open.
Joe Mallon - 2004-07-15 14:04:07
Sheets & shoes - don't skimp on either. One spends too much time on one's feet or on one's back to cheap out on those.
Paula - 2004-07-15 16:02:56
All of the above: word.
Sharps - 2004-07-15 16:58:40
"Both the blue-to-orange Bush supporters, and the orange-to-green media (and protesters) give wildly skewed, biased, and prejudiced accounts of the events." Is that really true? I note that critics of the war include, in addition to all the usual suspects, some Republicans politicians and conservative commentators, many in the military, and of course most members of the United Nations. I may be biased, of course, but overall I think critics of the war generally provide much more reasoned, balanced, and unbiased arguments than Bush supporters do. And I sincerely believe a truly neutral observer would agree. I think it serves Wilber to appear entirely unbiased, but as far as I'm concerned, that is a bias itself.
Sharps - 2004-07-15 17:03:34
Oh, and right on about the shampoo and shoes. After years of futzing about now I just by all my hair products from Suave (surely an anagram for "U save!" But I never skimp on shoes. I love Saucony for running and for dress shoes (which I now have to wear to work everyday) I've found a new favorite: Alfani, excellent, sturdy, attractive Italian shoes that you can get at Macy's for very reasonable dollars considering their outstanding quality.
Bob - 2004-07-16 01:37:59
Yeah but, Paula... how then can you wear Converse Chuck Taylors, which used to KILL the bottoms of my feet, back when I'd play racquetball (ya know, with the head [president/janitor] of Fifty Skatillion Watts Records) in them. And you can say they're comfy, but what if you have to play racquetball in 'em some day? Nowadays, though, I must say, I'm quite fond of my CHEAP but competitive Payless skateboarding shoes, which were the only skate shoes I've found that come in two widths. But for walking, running, or standing, yeah, not a good idea to scrimp on shoes.
2fs - 2004-07-16 11:43:18
re Wilber: I'll try again later - but I had to give up, since I read English and he's writing in jargon. I'm sure many of his terms will explain themselves in context, and the rest are doubtless defined elsewhere on his site...but it's rather annoying, since I rather suspect that all his tiers and colors fairly readily equate to English phrases that normal people understand...but it's harder to distinguish yourself using such terms. (And as an academic, believe me: I know how this works!)
Paula - 2004-07-16 12:44:56
I I feel bad for inflicting that on people. You gotta understand, I read so much new age stuff for work, that when I come across a writer who actually refers to current events and tries to time them in with spirituality and science and other stuff, it's refreshing. But I guess is stuff doesn't cut it in the world of ideas. His books are better than his web essays, at any rate.
Paula - 2004-07-16 12:46:23
Bob, I forgot you had a friend at 50 Skid. They were one of the few labels that understood me, but we could never work out a deal.

Chuck Taylors, b.t.w., are in a class of their own, and they aren't cheap anymore!
Bob - 2004-07-18 01:13:10
I'll bet he'da offered you millions (of watts?) if you'd offered to play racquetball with him. But just as well you didn't, given your shoes.

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