Intellectual House o' Pancakes Comments Page and Grill

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Sue - 2004-08-13 17:09:35
Paula: did you read RUNNING WITH SCISSORS? I've had that book on my "I should really read this sometime" list for ages (a real list, BTW -- I keep it on my computer).
Paula - 2004-08-13 17:12:02
Not yet, I have it on order at the liberry. If it is half as good as this, I'm sure I'll love it.
Joe - 2004-08-13 17:20:37
If you like Seurat, I must recommend SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE, Stephen Sondheim's imagining of Seurat's creative process. I think you'd like it, Paula. It wrestles with the artist-vs.-person-in-relationship dilemma: how can one person be both sufficiently. "Finishing The Hat" explains that tension about as well as anything.
Sharps - 2004-08-13 17:54:00
Re: carpet-bagger...Alan Keyes, Professional Unsuccessful Candidate and Insane Person, complained bitterly about Hillary's "carpet-bagging" senate run...jes' so ya know.
Joe - 2004-08-13 18:26:42
Sharples, are you coming out for the Scott shows?
Janet - 2004-08-14 10:59:53
Paula, if you ever come visit me, we must make a picnic and spend an afternoon at the Old Deaf School Park. It claims to have "the only topiary interpretation of a painting in existence", but really, it'd be OK if there were more than one.
Sharps - 2004-08-16 10:06:23
re: Scott shows - nah, unfortunately! The ALD and I were planning a visit to my sister in L.A. for later this month (with a side trip to S.F. to see you and all our Bay Area peeps), but for a lot of reasons we had to push it back to Thanksgiving.
Paula - 2004-08-16 10:18:40

Lordy! I'd love to see a topiary Seurat...It's almost as good as Cornhenge....

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