Intellectual House o' Pancakes Comments Page and Grill

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Miles - 2004-09-08 15:12:52
I never warmed to Elliott Smith, but I've always liked Hayden pretty well. The wonderful video for "Bad As They Seem" was a big part of this, I must say. And holy cow, you can view it at . Cool!
Miles - 2004-09-08 15:14:24
Well, Dairyland ate my link, so I put in the "URL" field for this comment.
Richard Strauss - 2004-09-08 15:45:13
I love Haydn's cello concerti.
Baby Party - 2004-09-08 16:05:56
I have a couple of Hayden tracks on my ipod - I downloaded them because of a recommendation from salon's Wednesday Morning Download column by Thomas Bartlett (I only have about a 20% hit rate with this column, but all his links are for free downloads, so it's worth it). I like Robbed Blind alright. Does anyone else read that column in Salon?
Paula - 2004-09-08 16:19:27
BP, I used to like that column when I subbed to Salon, but have had a higher success rate with sites like Tofu Hut, Mystical Beast, and Fluxblog.
MB - 2004-09-08 17:39:21
I can't remember if I've recommended Kevin Tihista to you (Elliot Smith sounding guy). His new album Wake Up Captain is wonderful...there should be samples over at
Baby Party - 2004-09-08 21:46:05
Paula, did you notice that Hayden is playing at the Knitting Factory on Monday night?
2fs - 2004-09-08 23:32:24
I like Hayden okay...but his voice always sounds as if it's recorded at the wrong speed - kinda like the dope from Crash Test Dummies...who are, uh, also Canadian, aren't they. Re the chimps: I guess that scotches Bush's plan to visit the zoo then. 'Sokay, chimps aren't a swing state - they just swing. Thank you, I'll be here all week. Back to music: I've never really warmed to that Tihista's Red Terror record. Oh well.
Paula - 2004-09-09 06:25:47
Tihista: I bought his first album and didn't like it the new one significantly different?

BP, he is also playing at South Paw, even more conveniently!
Baby Party - 2004-09-09 10:25:02
He's playing at Southpaw Tues night, but I have a rehearsal that night. Hayden does mumble. A lot of the singers I download on the recommendation of Wednesday Morning Download affect this mumbly, stoner, sing-songy thing. "I'm not really singing, I'm too cool to actually 'sing.' This affectation is meant to alert you that I don't take myself too seriously." Is this one of those things the kids do? Or am I becoming an old fart? Or both?
Paula - 2004-09-09 10:28:18
I can't comment on the mumbly thing, but I will tell you that Hayden's last 2 records are quite melodic--he may not croon, but he understands that melody is important.
MB - 2004-09-09 11:41:18
Kevin's new album is better produced and branches out some in the direction of Nillson *but* if you didn't like his first album I doubt the new one would change your mind.

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