Intellectual House o' Pancakes Comments Page and Grill

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Baby Party - 2004-10-27 10:09:43
2002 was the year I started dating Mr. Party, so I"m a little partial to it. Otherwise, I can't think of much else to recommend it.
bad meow - 2004-10-27 10:44:41
You sure read a lot of books. Personally, I spend most of my reading time on the Internets. I also read a lot of menus. 2002 was happy for me, and thus, I got fat. However, the fat period is officially over as of today! I'm wearing my skinny pants!!
Paula - 2004-10-27 10:48:35
Yay, congrats! I think you're lovely and slinky no matter what you weigh, Bad Meow, but I also know the giddy joy of reaching a self-imposed goal, and that counts, too.
Baby Party - 2004-10-27 11:45:12
I will say one thing for 2002: it beat all hell out of 2001, Worst. Year. Ever.
Paula - 2004-10-27 11:47:44
Yeah, that's when that horrible Lucinda Williams album came out. Oh, wait. You meant...
Baby Party - 2004-10-27 11:55:55
Heh heh. Yes, there's the obvious reason. But it so happens that I was already depressed before 9/11 Bad job. Bad romance. Shakira on the radio.
Paula - 2004-10-27 12:04:33
Oh, Shakira.
Up til September, I was actually havin' a colorful, enjoyable year. I recorded an album, wrote my book, taught yoga full-time and I was really healthy. I fit in my skinny pants. :)
bad meow - 2004-10-27 12:23:51
The Lucinda album gains points if you re-sequence it. She left the best songs for the end of the record; but unfortunately by the time it picks up, it's too late. I just ate oatmeal, creating a menacing stomach inflation! Pants, hold on!!
Baby Party - 2004-10-27 14:46:47
There were some things I liked on Essence, and not just at the end. I liked I Envy the Wind; Blue; Out of Touch; and Broken Butterflies. So that's 4 out of 11.
Paula - 2004-10-27 14:51:10
I'm sure if I heard single songs from the album, I'd find much to love. There was something so overwhelmingly bland and boring about its overall sound that I never bothered to investigate past the first three spins.

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