Intellectual House o' Pancakes Comments Page and Grill

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ada - 2004-10-28 14:36:25
You wouldn't feel that way if you lived in or near Kenmore Square and fell asleep hoping none of your classmates would be killed overnight in the riots.
Paula - 2004-10-28 14:41:37
Riots? Really?

You wouldn't feel that way...
Technically, I wasn't reporting any particular feeling or opinion, except wonderment.
Baby Party - 2004-10-28 16:29:17
A college student was killed after the 7th game of the playoffs last week. Police fired a pepper spray bullets into a rioting crowd, and one hit her, and she died. This sort of thing seems to happen even in joyful crowds. Witness the violence that often occurs in countries whose team just won the World Cup.
Paula - 2004-10-28 16:32:30
Yes. Mob mentality scares me no matter how you slice it. I surprised myself by walking in the peace march this August.
Anne - 2004-10-29 10:01:18
Even though I grew up in a fairly sports-obsessed household, and I enjoy following post-season baseball, the Tour de France, March Madness, etc., I cannot relate to the extreme emotional investment in sports teams. A couple of workmates of mine are borderline clinically depressed about the Yankees (still!) So religion is off-limits, as are politics, and now I can't casually banter at the water cooler about last night's game!
Baby Party - 2004-11-01 10:39:18
My mother, an avid Memphis State Tigers basketball fan, stopped watching the games about 15 years ago, because she was afraid she was going to have a heart attack.
Paula - 2004-11-01 11:08:48
I believe our own AMatt used to have some issues with the Atlanta Braves. AMatt, want to weigh in?
amatt - 2004-11-01 11:26:22
Issues? Well back in 1996, I was hoping that the Braves would meet the Yankees in a world series because I thought it would be fun. (Atlanta had won in 1995). I wasn't fun at all! In was a night mare! It took years to get that out of my system. But now that they are perrenial losers in post game series, the feeling has waned. I don't know if I can ever get that bad feeling back again. It just disappeared, even though I still watch every Brave game I can. My advice is to just stay away! (Must admit though, when the Yankees lose, I love it.)

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