Intellectual House o' Pancakes Comments Page and Grill

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Baby Party - 2004-11-12 10:51:17
Dachshunds are way cute and have sweet personalities. The first dog I ever really knew was my aunt and uncle's Dachshund, Fritzie.
Alan - 2004-11-12 11:22:30
Wouldn't it be better to keep your job, but move your desk to the tasting room at the factory? I also didn't see any mention of a jukebox in the building, but they should definitely get one. I'd have to go with Max, he looks like a little outlaw.
Editrix - 2004-11-12 11:35:06
I grew up with dachshunds! The best dog I ever had was Corrie, a purebred standard red shorthair, but I also loved dachshund-mix rescue dog Muffin (I named her when I was 6, can you tell?), my grandparents' Hansie, and my aunt's Ginger. Dachshies!
Paula - 2004-11-12 11:46:24
Aw! Dachsies rock.
Paula - 2004-11-12 11:53:12
Wouldn't it be better to keep your job, but move your desk to the tasting room at the factory

I am sending a memo to HR as we speak. I'm also inquiring if I can take Scooby (whose name I would change, sorry) to work with me.

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