Intellectual House o' Pancakes Comments Page and Grill

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Alan - 2004-12-13 17:08:27
Buying curtains a few weeks ago for my new abode made me feel both grown-up, and also sad because I'm no longer that wild, devil-may-care guy who doesn't notice if the curtains don't match the carpet. Lots of the things I think that elevate me slightly from the rest of the herd are things I think everyone should do, (Always saying please and thank you, stacking my dirty plates and silverware for the waitperson/busperson, etc.) so I'm not sure I'm deserving of fulsome praise for them. Perhaps St. Peter has a "Politest of the Damned" medal waiting for me, though.
Paula - 2004-12-14 06:15:20
Alan: Yes, I know what you mean about the curtains, but you are still the same devil-may-care guy, in addition to being the matching curtains guy--so you've expanded and grown.

Being polite may not "elevate you from the herd" but it's a nice quality, and that's exactly the kind of thing I was talking about. Not praising amazing qualities, just appreciating positive things.

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