Intellectual House o' Pancakes Comments Page and Grill

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Alan - 2004-12-14 13:35:18
Couldn't agree more with your assessment of The Pretenders. I always attributed their turn toward suckiness to the death of James Honeyman-Scott, who probably didn't get enough credit for their early sound, and who also apparently acted as a check on Chrissie Hynde's self-indulgence. U2 I've always kind of liked, and one of the things I admire in any band that's been together for over 10 years is when they still keep moving musically, and not just recycling their back catalog over and over (i.e., the Stones). The ironic thing about the Bush portrait is that by "banning" it, now through the power of teh Intarnets, it will be seen by millions, instead of by hundreds or thousands. On a tangent, I think you mentioned The Hold Steady a few months ago. Didn't resonate with me then, but I downloaded their CD on Sunday and am enjoying it very much.
Rebecca - 2004-12-14 15:52:01
The third album, Learning to Crawl, is to me one of the most wonderful (but saddest) albums of all time. They kind of lost me after that, but it was also that I got interested in other things.
Paula - 2004-12-14 16:12:13
Interesting. "Back on the Chain Gang" is a neat song, I s'pose, and I love Billy Bremner's guitar-playin', although the "ooh! aah!" backing vocals really turned me off when I first heard the song (now I just tune 'em out)...I wish I could go with ya on this one, Rebecca, but I remember being dismayed with Learning to Crawl when it came out, and I've not revised my opinion so far.
Joe - 2004-12-14 20:28:55
Sue & I were talking about what cheese the R&RHOF is, and I wondered who will they induct when the mid-to-late-'80s time frame rolls around. My guess: rap all the time (PE, NWA, etc.) Anyone else?
Alan - 2004-12-14 21:34:22
If they're going to get into rap, my guess is they'll start with either Ice-T or Gil Scott Heron. Wouldn't surprise to see more metal bands from here on out, maybe Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, or Def Leppard.
Paula - 2004-12-15 09:47:23
What are the criteria for being nominated, anyhow? Is it supposed to be the most impact on pop music, or just bands that people really like, or wah?
Baby Party - 2004-12-15 11:03:50
Apparently: "Artists become eligible for induction 25 years after the release of their first record. Criteria include the influence and significance of the artist�s contributions to the development and perpetuation of rock and roll." More bullshit on the selection process can be found her:

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