Intellectual House o' Pancakes Comments Page and Grill

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Eric - 2008-02-24 19:22:07
Damnit! The theatre here didn't get Be Kind Rewind because of a "shipping error" so I'm hoping that it stays around NYC for four more weeks so that I can see it during vacation. I did get to see In Bruges last week while visiting home, and I absolutely loved it to pieces. I laughed! I teared! I wanted to say the "f" word! All that good stuff!
Eric - 2008-02-24 19:24:02
I will add that I didn't care for Gondry's last The Science of Sleep, and part of me wants to give more credit to Charlie Kaufman for his script for Eternal Sunshine. I even liked Human Nature better than SoS, another Kaufman/Gondry merging.
Paula - 2008-02-24 20:12:19
Eric, good point about Kaufman--it may indeed be the combo of his insightful writing and Gondry's imaginative direction and visual sense that made ESSM so great.
2fs - 2008-02-24 23:18:08
While I think Kaufman's certainly a better writer than Gondry (and I haven't seen BKR yet), I still found _Science of Sleep_ both charming and, well, less than charming in a good that the male character was rather creepy despite also having some appealing characteristics. It'd be interesting to see what he could do perhaps with a sympatico co-writer (although Kaufman's ideas certainly work well w/Gondry's world). I assume you all have seen Gondry's music video collection? Some of the few videos actually worth watching more than once.
Paula - 2008-02-24 23:41:16
the male character was rather creepy

Agreed. I was not into that movie at all, despite some cool visuals...
grigorss - 2008-02-25 01:34:39
Have yet to catch Be Kind Rewind because work is keeping me all too busy at the moment -- but have to agree that Gondry and Kaufmann in combo seems to produce a better result than Gondry alone; despite this, I quite liked Science of Sleep; in part, I suppose, because the male lead was so throughly flawed-unto-creepiness -- an opinion that will surprise no one who actually knows me, I suspect. Must agree with 2fs that Gondry has produced the best work the Music Video form has to offer; crowned by this, I feel; a great little short film by any standard you care to throw at it.

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