Intellectual House o' Pancakes Comments Page and Grill

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Ross Bonadonna - 2003-11-30 23:43:52
well, I was never willing to put any lipbalmy stuff on until I tried Brighton's Butterscotch Balm, and I found it rather alright. (feel free to use this if you need an endorsement)
Paula - 2003-12-01 09:27:07
Ross, many young folks like yourself are reluctant to try lip balm. They ask questions like, "Will the lip balm make unpopular?" or "Can I get kicked out of school for using lip balm?" or "Lip Balm Lady, what's in it for ME?"

It's encouraging to see the kind of individualism and bravery that you'e displayed in trying Brighton's Butterscotch Balm. I pray that the others will follow your example. Bless you.

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