Intellectual House o' Pancakes Comments Page and Grill

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Joe Mallon - 2004-12-27 02:21:29
Right on about AN AMERICAN IN PARIS. Sue & I saw it a few years ago, and I couldn't believe it was a hit while SINGIN' IN THE RAIN flopped. Also liked SORock & Intolerable Cruelty, so good on ya. Merry Holidays!
Sharples - 2004-12-27 11:37:23
"Calling Heinz, the Baron Krauss von Espy!"
Rebecca - 2004-12-27 11:55:08
Re: School of Rock:
Paula - 2004-12-27 13:10:08
Yes, yes!
"Calling Heinz, the Baron Krauss von Espy!"
Miles - 2004-12-27 13:34:45
I could almost cry over the An American in Paris hatin' - I adore it, and I usually barely tolerate musicals, much less actually like one. C'est dommage.
Paula - 2004-12-27 13:49:24
Miles, I admit I may not have been in the right mood for it...
anne - 2004-12-29 09:18:35
i'm at least a day late as usual here, but re TLA i'm wondering if you noticed a difference in the writing as it was co-authored with Noah Baumbach and not Owen Wilson...?
Paula - 2004-12-29 09:57:12
Here's an example of the dialogue (this was one of my favorite lines):
CATE B: In twelve years...this baby'll be eleven and a half!
BILL M: That was my favorite age.

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