Intellectual House o' Pancakes Comments Page and Grill

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grigorss - 2007-09-01 14:20:48
I too, have experienced existential anxiety amongst crowds of the tan and glossy -- except out here, they're not confined to a particular neighborhood -- it's damn near the whole city!
Also for the record, your inclusion of Frank's rendition of "The September Song" for your Mom is officially "sweet" -- but not too sweet, I should add.
Greg - 2007-09-01 17:39:11
The only neighborhood in NYC I still recognize is those skeezy sidestreets around the back end of Chinatown right above the courthouses. Other than that I feel like an alien everywhere.
Greg - 2007-09-01 17:41:04
Not quite true... Bklyn Heights still looks more or less the same as do the people that live there. Everything else is entirely different to me.
Paula - 2007-09-01 22:01:17
Striving for clarity here...I have no general problem with neighborhoods changing (that's life, as Frank says), and I have no beef with "the beautiful people," but this just caught me off-guard.

The e-anxiety is more about feeling like people are interchangeable and replaceable when confronted with large crowds of seem-alikes. I'm not judging the people, I'm saying it's an irrational, panicky thought on my part.
Greg - 2007-09-01 22:40:47
See, I get that about people being interchangeable and replaceable... I guess with me it's more the reinforcement of the idea that nothing is constant and that nothing I valued from before really means anything in relation to the new people in the new context. I'm cool with that and understand it, but it's definitely still jarring from time to time. It's more jarring in the cases when you discover that you have no connection to the new, and furthermore it's antithetical to what you value or treasure. I guess most of that really needs to be re-examined regularly anyway so it's all good.
grigorss - 2007-09-02 00:30:16
existential anxiety amongst crowds of the tan and glossy

Also striving for clarity -- oh yes, I'm judging... oh boy, am I judging!
Greg - 2007-09-02 04:52:34
The problem with judging the tan and glossy is that if I take them at appearances doesn't that make me as empty and superficial as I judge them to be? Maybe I'm just afraid deep down that they really are better than me... haha... no... just kidding. That's IMPOSSIBLE. It is!!! Really!

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